Dr Cossey YoSI
Head of School
Qualifications: Ph.D. UniMelb, AUS; MSc UWB, UK; BScF PNGUOT; DipFor, FORCOL; PGCSCT, PNGUOT) Specialties: Forest Management and Planning; Forest Policy and Legislation; Project and Human Resources; Natural Forest Dynamics; Forest and Carbon Inventory and Assessment; Community Forestry
Mr Billy Bau
Deputy head of school
Qualifications: PGSCT Cert. (PNGUoT), Cert.IV in Prj.Mangt. (USP),Cert. Taxonomy Skills for Conservation,MSc (UPNG), BScH (UPNG), PGCert. Sci.Comm. (PNGUoT), Inter.Dipl.Herb.Tech.(RBGKew), BSc For. (PNGUoT) Specialties:Botany, Ethnobotany, Ecology and Tropical Forest Assessments.