International Students

The University of Technology is a diverse international community and welcomes talented students from around the world.

The University welcomes about 100 students from neighboring Pacific Island Countries each year depending on places available, will usually have qualifications which have been accepted before and which the University is quite familiar with.

There is therefore usually very little difficulty in equating the qualifications of these applicants with those Papua New Guinean students and making a decision accordingly.  A small number of student will come from other countries.  Again the University will evaluate their qualifications in terms of those obtainable in Papua New Guinea and will admit accordingly.

Check out our present Exchange Programs.

International Undergraduate Students come from:

  1. Most come from Solomon Islands and Vanuatu and few from other Pacific Island States.
  2. India, Bangladesh, Africa (most are dependents of expatriate academics of Unitech).

Our current International students we have on campus are under different scholarships such as BULA & CARPIMS.

International Students Scholarship

The BULA and CARPIMS Projects are designed to facilitate the movement of Masters students, PhD students and Staff between selected national Universities in the Pacific regions as a means of building capacity and encouraging socioeconomic development in the region. It also covers the payment of tuition fees (when applicable), travel costs to and from the host country and a health, travel and accident insurance.

More information: BULACARPIMS

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