In this section
Welcome & Overview
PNGUoT’s Staff Training and Development is a systematic approach where employees are trained, mentored, coached, instructed, and taught relevant skills and knowledge to increase competency, build capacity, enhanced professional skills and development for continuous improvement in performance to drive the achievement of relevant organizational goals and objectives. The training plan serve as a blueprint, providing the Intuition a strategic approach in recognizing staff training needs and approving relevant training necessary for staff to attend. With the implementation of the strategic plan 2020 – 2024, upgrading of functional and operational KPIs through staff training is also important. All training activities and arrangement are aligned with the Learning and Development Plan 2020-2024 in conjunction with the Staff Development and Training Policy Procedures Manual (4th Edition), and other relevant government regulations in administering the staff training and development activities.
Our Goals & Objectives
- Goal 1: Provide training programs with the right knowledge, skills, and attributes to improve individual performances in achieving organizational effectiveness and academic excellence.
- Goal 2: Successful training completion rate with PhD and Masters graduates ever year.
- Goal 3: Staff qualification upgrade for performance improvement to deliver quality services, teaching and student learning.
- Goal 4: Training programs and courses provided are achievable through this training plan from competent, registered and recognized training providers both in-country and overseas.
Our Programs
Development Programs
A Management and Leadership Training Plan was developed in 2023 to achieve the Strategic Domain 1.1 (v) and (vi) and Strategic Domain 4.1 (i) of the Strategic Plan 2020-2024. The training programs from the training plan targets individuals from top management to junior supervisors to enhance and empower managers and team leaders to effectively manage, lead, aspire and maintain positive performance from individual staff and the operation of each departmental unit.
The training targets individuals from top management to junior supervisors to enhance and empower managers and team leaders to effectively manage, lead, aspire and maintain positive performance from individual staff and the operation of each department unit. The first approach to implementing the training plan is having the Council Members and the Senior Executive Management Team to undergo the Induction Course Cours for the Unitech Governing Council members. This was a mandatory course passed by NEC Decision No.61/2021. PNGUoT will continue to promote and sustain professional development, upskilling and training for the management through Seminars, Workshops and Short-courses.
Staff are expected to reflect outstanding interpersonal skills as PNG Unitech is a highest learning institution and exceptional professional etiquette reflects the image of the institution. Skills training are offered to staff and are fully supported and funded by PNGUoT for staff skills enhancement and enrichment.
PNGUOT promotes staff competency-based trainings through technical skills upgrade in fields of specialty and trades. These are trainings offered in block course through TVET programs and from relevant Technical Skills Training provider. The programs aims at improving skills for technical officers providing lecture assistants, operating IT software and programs, machineries, equipment and in managing laboratory tools and technologies.
These sets of training programs are provided through levels and are long-term and continuous. Individuals are awarded by completing levels and stages where qualifications are upgraded over time from basic to intermediate and to advanced learning.
The overall purpose of promoting staff training is to improve performance that not only will impact improvements in individual roles but in promoting and upholding organization effectiveness and excellence. Staff Training is tied to the development plan from the performance management system. Training need is identified through the Performance Evaluation process with Staff Training as a recommended employee development plan.
Career Advancement Opportunities
The University promotes qualification upgrade for career advancements. The Career Development Office believe that every employee should be given the opportunity to excel in their career. The University supports staff from certificate and diploma level to upgrade qualifications to undergraduate degree, Masters and PhD. Staff can be eligible to apply for promotion as a career advancement.
Encouraging job rotation is a normal process under staff appointment. Staff on similar job groups are rotated through departments for exposure and experience. Though it is currently a process supported under appointment, this process will be incorporated into the Learning and Development Plan 2025- 2029.
The career development office takes into consideration staff contract renewal and promotion when promoting staff training and development. Training not only focus on upskilling and qualification upgrade. Career advancement is achieved through promotion and training is pivotal in terms of supporting staff in seeking the opportunity to be upleveled in their career.
The Career Development Office provides advise to staff and allows staff to raise concerns and issues affecting their job and are seeking training to address such concerns. Staff are encourage to pursue higher degree not only for performance improvement and career advancement but to boost self esteem, as a means of award and having a sense of appreciation. We provide the opportunity to staff to embrace training as means of self discovery in identifying their potentials of being marketable once they are qualified through training. With PNGUOT, we allow staff to grow in their career within the institution, though there are other opportunities like Secondment with external industries, we believe in developing our staff and in retaining our talents.
Learning Resources
The University promotes qualification upgrade for career advancements. The Career Development Office believe that every employee should be given the opportunity to excel in their career. The University supports staff from certificate and diploma level to upgrade qualifications to undergraduate degree, Masters and PhD. Staff can be eligible to apply for promotion as a career advancement.
Staff are given the opportunity to choose the delivery of training program. Online programs through flexible modes are provided remotely to the participants. Lessons and course works are completed through online participation.
The Career Development Office facilitates the arrangement of all training program with external and internal training agencies. The University has in-house facilities equip with the technological equipment readily available to serve in-house training programs. Financial support is provided from the Training & Development budget with the other supports from the department and from the scholarships awarded to selected individuals.
We have a training & development plan that captures all departmental training needs and training programs. Workshops and Seminars are annual programs that are provided to the Career Development Office by each departmental heads and training coordinators. With the overall focus on long-term training programs, the workshops and seminars are supported by the LNSDC upon EOI presented by the HODs.
Forms & Documents
- Document Type: Document
- Download Form Here: LEARNING & DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2020 – 2024
- Document/Version No:UoT-HR-PER-FM-001
- Version Date: 03/04/2024
- Description of Document: PNG University of Technology is embarking on implementing the Strategic Plan and the Learning and Development Plan is Staff Training and Career development is an important function of human resource management and is essential to improving the performance of the organization through staff training. PNGUoT’s Staff Training and Development is a systematic approach where employees are trained, mentored, coached, instructed, and taught relevant skills and knowledge to increase competency, build capacity, enhanced professional skills and development for continuous improvement in performance to drive the achievement of relevant organizational goals and objectives. This training plan is designed to serve as a blueprint, providing the LNSDC a strategic approach in recognizing staff training needs and approving relevant training necessary for staff to attend. With the implementation of the strategic plan 2020 – 2024, upgrading of functional and operational KPIs through staff training is also important This Training Plan will apply in conjunction with the Staff Development and Training Policy Procedures Manual (4th Edition), and other relevant government regulations in administering the staff training and development activities.
PNGUoT Staff Reviews
All other staff with similar case have all records of promotion with Personnel Section.