
Matheson Library Services

Discover our wide range of services

Circulation Services

Circulation Services handle the check-out and return of library materials. Patrons can borrow books, DVDs, and other media using their library cards. This service includes the ability to renew items online or in-person and place holds on items currently checked out by others. Self-checkout stations are available for quick transactions, and circulation staff assist with managing accounts, handling overdue fines, and addressing lost item issues.

Circulation Services

Periodical Service

Periodical Service offers access to a broad range of magazines, journals, and newspapers, both current and archival. This service supports academic research and personal interests with a comprehensive collection spanning various subjects and languages. The library maintains an organized archive of back issues, available in both physical and digital formats, ensuring that users can find both contemporary and historical periodicals.

Periodical Service

CAS Service

The Current Awareness Service (CAS) helps keep users updated on the latest publications and developments in their fields of interest. By subscribing to this service, users receive regular alerts about new books, journal articles, conference proceedings, and other scholarly materials tailored to their specific areas of research. Notifications can be delivered via email or RSS feeds, ensuring that users stay informed about the most recent advancements and publications.

CAS Service

SDI Services

SDI Services provide personalized updates on new acquisitions and publications that match a user’s research interests. Users define their topics of interest, and the library sends notifications about relevant new resources, including books, journal articles, and reports. This proactive service ensures researchers receive timely information on pertinent new developments in their fields of study.

SDI Services

Inter Library Lending

Inter Library Lending (ILL) allows patrons to borrow materials from other libraries when they are not available in Matheson Library’s collection. This service significantly expands the range of accessible resources, enabling users to obtain books, journal articles, and other items from participating libraries. Requests can be submitted online, and library staff manage the logistics of borrowing, tracking, and returning the items, ensuring a seamless user experience.

Inter Library Lending

Reference Services

Reference Services offer expert assistance in locating and utilizing library resources. Professional librarians help with research queries, guide users in developing effective search strategies, and assist in identifying credible sources. They also provide support with citation styles and tools, ensuring users can properly attribute their sources. Reference assistance is available in-person, via chat, email, and phone, catering to a wide range of user needs.

Reference Services

Reprography Services (Scan & Print)

Reprography Services offer facilities for scanning, printing, and photocopying documents. Users can print documents from library computers or their personal devices, and scan physical materials into digital formats. High-quality color printing and binding services are also available for academic and personal projects. This service ensures users can produce professional-quality documents and preserve important materials in digital form.

Reprography Services (Scan & Print)

Course Reserve

Course Reserve services ensure that essential course materials are readily accessible to students. Instructors place textbooks, articles, and other high-demand resources on reserve, providing shorter loan periods to maximize availability. These materials are available in both physical and electronic formats, ensuring that all students have the opportunity to access required readings and other course-related materials.

Course Reserve

Instruction, Workshops and Information Literacy

Instruction and Information Literacy services offer workshops and training sessions designed to enhance users’ skills in locating, evaluating, and using information. These sessions cover topics such as database searching, critical evaluation of sources, and ethical use of information. By developing these skills, users become more effective and independent researchers, capable of navigating the information

The library conducts various instructional sessions and workshops on topics including research methodologies, database usage, citation management, and academic writing. These workshops aim to improve users’ academic skills and are often tailored to specific courses or disciplines. Participants learn practical skills that enhance their academic performance and research capabilities.

Instruction, Workshops and Information Literacy

Library Outreach and Events (User Orientations)

Library Outreach and Events include user orientations for new students and faculty, introducing them to library services and resources. These orientations ensure that new users can effectively navigate the library and utilize its resources. Additionally, the library hosts events such as author talks, book launches, exhibitions, and reading groups, fostering a vibrant academic community and promoting engagement with library services.

Library Outreach and Events (User Orientations)

Access to Question Banks

Access to Question Banks offers students a valuable resource for exam preparation. The library provides access to a variety of question banks for standardized tests and course-specific exams, allowing students to practice and assess their knowledge. This service supports academic success by helping students prepare effectively for their exams.

Access to Question Banks

Extension Services to Branch Libraries

Extension Services ensure that branch libraries have access to the same resources and support as the main library. This includes coordinating resource sharing, providing training and support to branch library staff, and organizing outreach activities to maintain consistency and quality of service across all locations. Extension Services ensure that all users, regardless of location, can benefit from the library’s comprehensive resources and support.

Extension Services

American Corner

The American Corner at the Matheson Library is a collaborative space dedicated to fostering cultural exchange and educational opportunities between the United States and the local community. This dynamic and vibrant area within the library serves as a resource hub for information about the United States, including its culture, history, and government. It aims to enhance mutual understanding and promote dialogue through a variety of programs and resources.

American Corner
Circulation and Customer Services


Library users intending to borrow materials from the library’s collection must register to become members at the library.

Non-members can only use other services provided by the library.

Undergraduate students can borrow up to 10 books at any one time for 4 weeks. Post Graduate students and Staff members  are allowed up to 15 books.

External Members

External borrowers are those institutions which are affiliate members of the library. They are registered in the Library database as Inter-library Loan patrons. As the Inter-library Loan is a ‘ library to library service’ these patrons are regarded as Institutional borrowers.

Book Reservation

A library item that is currently on loan to a patron can be successfully placed ‘on hold ‘ using the Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC)

How to place a reservation/hold

Search and Click on the title of interest in the Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC). The bibliographic details  and holdings will be displayed. Browse results will appear on the right hand of the displayed screen. Click on ‘Place hold’ and follow through with the reservation. The borrower will be informed when the borrowed item is returned.

Reference and Readers’ Advisory

Library users needing assistance finding and locating library resources can seek help from the Circulation and Customer Services Desk.

All readers’ inquiries and general help for information are handled here by friendly staff.

Help can also be sought here through live chat, email and phone.

Tawk Chat: 

Phone: 4734358

Email: or

Inter-library Loan

Inter-library loan is the reciprocal sharing of information resources between libraries. No library can contain all information, therefore, libraries share resources to fill the information gap. When information is not found in the library,  Matheson Library places  Inter-library Loan requests with other libraries for assistance within the country or abroad.

Research Help and Support

Research is supported by providing information and consultation through the interview process to ascertain the availability of appropriate information sources and access both for Post Graduate and Undergraduate studies.

A mini computer lab is available at the American corner for a 2 hours booking daily.For mediated research help, contact us on: 4734361 or by email.

Copy | Print | Scan

Apart from providing library services, the library assists students in printing, scanning, and copying documents, at a minimum cost. Term papers and projects can also be bound if required. Cost is minimal.

This service enables students to copy library reference materials that cannot be borrowed otherwise.

Electronic Resources

For greater use and ease of access to information,  the library also provides the gateway for e-resources for its users.Information can be sought from subscribed databases and open access sources

Database access

Information can also be obtained from several databases that the library subscribes to. Some databases require login credentials that are provided by the library. Registered members of the library can use their current password to access the databases.


Click the link on the Public Access Catalog (OPAC) to access electronic books.

Online Catalog

The Matheson library Online Pubic  Access Catalog (OPAC) is available at:

American Corner

American Corners, or also commonly referred to as American Spaces, exemplifies the U.S commitment to a core tenet of democracy: the citizen’s right to free access to information. With over 700 spaces worldwide, American Spaces provide access to the latest, in-depth information about the United States, connecting Americans and host country citizens in engaging discussions on U.S. policy, society, culture and values.

Open Hours

  • Monday – Thursday: 8am-10pm
  • Friday: 8am-4pm
  • Saturday – Sunday: 1pm-5pm

Public Holidays: CLOSED