Architecture and Construction Management
Training qualified architects and construction managers with an emphasis on developing design skills in architecture, problem solving design skills in building, and a commitment to the concepts of professionalism and intellectual endeavour.
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Department News/Updates
August 4, 2023
UNITECH & OTDF Sign MOU to Educate Students in Remote Areas
Papua New Guinea University of Technology and the Ok Tedi Development Foundation (OTDF) renewed its partnership through a signing of
August 4, 2023
UNITECH Restructure University Council
The Papua New Guinea University of Technology has a new restructured Council membership with new Council members sworn in on
July 20, 2023
PNGUOT 2023 Career Fair – 2nd – 3rd September
Opportunity for Organizations to promote graduate Development programs,internship programs,
do direct recruitment & connect with our academic departments
July 6, 2023
Postgraduate 2023 second (2) Semester Acceptance Name List
Postgraduate 2023 second (2) Semester Acceptance Name List