Applied Mathematics, as a discipline

So it is just mathematics right? 
Some people do not like mathematics because of the many theories and formulas one has to remember and the tedious calculations one must do to solve mathematical problems. But without mathematics, business has no direction, science is useless, and no invention can be made. Effectively, technology can not advance without mathematics be it simple or advance. Now, let’s have a look at what the Applied Mathematics discipline is (or do we have to say it’s a specific discipline?).

Applied Mathematics is a multidisciplinary field that focuses on using mathematical methods and models to solve real-world problems in science, engineering, business, and other areas. It extends beyond theoretical mathematics by applying mathematical techniques to practical issues, making it highly relevant in various sectors. In many developing countries like Papua New Guinea, there is a misunderstanding that applied mathematics is solely about abstract theories and complex equations. However, modern applied mathematics involves significant computational work and programming skills. Students learn to use software tools and write code to analyze data, simulate scenarios, and develop algorithms, making them proficient in both mathematics and computer science. This combination of skills is crucial for addressing complex challenges in today’s technology-driven world, enhancing economic development, and fostering innovation across multiple industries. By studying applied mathematics, students can become versatile problem solvers and contribute to the country’s progress and global standing.

Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics


  • 4 years full time.
  • On Campus (Taraka) and Online mode available.
  • Available to domestic students.
  • Start Year Intake – February.

The Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics is a four-year program that aims to produce graduates with solid grounding in mathematics with the ability to solve problems in Statistics, Finance, Science, Technology and Engineering by developing and/or using computer programs. They will be employable as Statistical officers, Bank and Finance officers, Programmers, Mathematics teachers, Researchers, etc. In addition, some new disciplines have emerged out of STEM which require solid mathematical and computing background. For example: Big Data Analytics, Data Science, and Computer/Cyber Security. Graduates of this program will be ideally equipped for these.

Course Structure

Career Opportunities

So what do you do with a Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics?

 If you have read the opening statements on this page and in the Overview section, you would have some ideas about what possible job opportunities are there.

There are many opportunities for work within PNG and abroad with a Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics degree. Graduates will be employable as Statistical officers, Bank and Finance officers, Programmers, Researchers, Mathematical teachers, etc. There are many interesting areas related to Computer Science where the application of mathematics is very strong such as in Computer Security, Artificial Intelligence, and Big-Data. Thus, this program prepares students also for these opportunities. And with this program being run side-by-side with the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science degree program, it gives students the opportunity to do major final year projects on applications of mathematics in computer science. This will give the graduates of this program some huge selling points for a Technology world that we live in today.

Mathematics is an essential ingredient in any profession and for graduates who have a very solid foundation in mathematics through this program they will be suited to any job that involves a lot of data analysis, trend and pattern recognition, forecasting, etc… The industries in PNG are fast growing and many more jobs are now opening for mathematicians.