The School of Agriculture
The School of Agriculture offers a science-based agriculture curriculum for undergraduate and postgraduate degree programs besides conducting basic and applied agriculture research and disseminating relevant information to the community.
The school’s functions are guided by a vision:
“A premier agricultural school providing high-class agricultural education to empower graduates to be innovative scientists, extensionists, entrepreneurs, and policy makers for sustainable agriculture and community development.”
The curricula of our programs
are reviewed regularly to be able to deliver up-to-date and relevant knowledge and skills to students.
The school has 15 qualified academic staff, 11 with PhDs together with a wealth of teaching experience. Currently, one staff member is on study leave pursuing a PhD at the Queensland University of Technology, Australia. The school offers a robust curriculum and a variety of Learning Management Systems are utilized for both classroom and distance mode of teaching. The availability of audio-visual, laboratory and farm facilities aid the effective delivery of classroom teaching and ensure sufficient skills development.
Current infrastructure developments to meet the conditions of bench marking of agriculture programs include a major facelift of laboratories, classrooms, staff offices, refurbishment for the SPISARD offices, and UASL laboratory, which was completed and launched in November, 2021. Plans for the restructure of the Biotech Center are in progress.