Melanesian Land Studies Centre


The Melanesian Land Studies Centre (MLSC) was established in 1983 as a research and consultancy arm of the Department of Surveying & Lands Studies. It’s overall objective is to “establish itself as an internationally recognised Centre of excellence which deals with a wide range of issues relating to modern land development and land management that are of academic and economic significance to Papua New Guinea and the South Pacific Region.”


The Centre is proud to have supported the following persons, who are either staff members of the DSLS or students in pursuing their masters or doctorate degrees:

Student Name





Cathy Koloa


Hydro-morphic Analysis of Markham River Basin and Harzard Management of Lae Coast using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques

Graduated with M.Phil in Geomatics in April 2015

Continued in PhD studies in 2015

Robert Rosa


GNSS Survey and Vertical Adjustment of Madang Network by GNSS

M.Phil in Geomatics

To graduate in April 2016

Jerry Mile


Identification and Analysis of Land Dispute Factors: A study of Boundary, Ownership, Types of Disputes and Assessment (BODA) factors in Simbu Province, PNG

M.Phil in Property Studies

To graduate in April 2016

Glen Yali


Assessment of Above-ground Biomass and Carbon Stocks Utilising Remote Sensing & GIS Techniques in Yalu Community Wet Tropical Lowland Forest, Morobe, PNG

M.Phil in Geomatics

To graduate in April 2016

Lepani Karigawa


Issues Affecting Management of Incorporated Land Groups and their Sustainability in PNG

M.Phil in Property Studies

To graduate in April 2016


MLSC is proud of its support to the Department of Surveying & Lands Studies’ Research Committee’s effort to launch the Melanesian Journal of Geomatics and Property Studies. The journal had its inaugural publication of 6 peer reviewed research papers authored by staff of the DSLS in November 2015.

MLSC is also proud of its support financially the staff and students of the DSLS in pursuing their master’s and doctorate degrees, which are mentioned under 2 “Ongoing Research with the Centre”. Most of these staff and students thesis have been assessed and recommended for conferring of their degrees in 2016.

MLSC continues to retrain experts and interested personnel in short CPD courses offered by MLSC every year.


MLSC continues to strive to achieve its objectives. At the same time it continues to review and make them more workable. In doing that, the Centre in collaboration with the DSLS embarked on the five year strategic plan of 2015-2020. The plan captures what the Centre aims to achieve within set timelines, which include:

  1. Assist the DSLS with the development and establishment of a departmental physical, digital and online library. Target is June 2018.
  2. Assist and support the DSLS Research Committee seek to establish vital links with national and international research partners, who may initiate, provide and sustain continuous research activities with the DSLS staff and students. Through this initiative, the outcomes include delivery of targeted high quality research, instill and enhancement of self confidence in research work, significant and original research output that are of highest standards. Target is each and every year.
  3. Seek partnership with the DSLS Sectional Heads, DSLS Computer Laboratory Manager and the Unitech Alumni Office to research and create a database on DSLS graduates absorption into the job market. The outcome is to have statistics, which are needed as a form of measuring DSLS courses’ quality and performance in delivering quality graduates. Target is October 2016.
  4. Assist the DSLS increase the range of data sets available, such as ERDAS IMAGINE 11, Topographical Maps and Satellite Images, and software licenses. The outcome is to carry out student and staff research activities in an increased manner. Target is October 2016.
  5.  Assist and support the DSLS and its Research Committee host a workshop on land based issues. Outcome expected is linking with other stakeholders and creating awareness. Target is October 2016.
  6. Assist and support the DSLS and its Research Committee seek partnership with regional and international professional organizations to host a professional conference. Outcome expected is linking with other stakeholders and creating international awareness. Target is October 2017.
  7. Continue with the emphasis on retraining experts and interested personnel in short CPD courses offered by MLSC. The outcome is delivery of high quality and relevant CPD programs and income generation. Target is each year.
  8. Introduce new CPD short course in urban planning, property development and property software usage. At the same time advance the current short courses offered. The outcome expected is the training and upgrading of national scientist, project officers with knowledge on trends of current technology. Target is July 2017.