Dr. Bikash Ranjan Moharana

Contact: bikash.moharana@pnguot.ac.pg 

Current: Position: Senior Lecturer

Educational Credentials:

  • PhD in Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, India

Professional Memberships:

  • The Institution of Engineers (India)
  • Indian Welding Society
  • The Indian Institute of Welding (India)

Research Experience:

  • Over 10 years of scientific research experience in India and Papua New Guinea in the field of Welding, Process Optimization and Sustainable Manufacturing Technologies.

Research Interests:

  • Welding
  • Mechanical and metallurgical analysis
  • Process Optimization
  • Advanced Machining Processes
  • Sustainable Manufacturing Technology


  • Over 35 worldwide publications include Scopus and SCI indexed journals, conference proceedings, books and book chapters in the various field of research. Visit profile on Google Scholar and Scopus.