Phd & Research Degree

The Environmental Research and Management Center has since 2009 been working in four main research program areas.

With a particular objective in mind and that is to determine future research and funding potentials in  research fields where there is little or no research efforts in PNG,  across the academic and research institutions.

The multidisciplinary character of the Papua New Guinea University of Technology has given ERMC the opportunity to focus on four thematic areas four research with a view to draw a multidisciplinary research approach and they include the following;

Biodiversity Conservation & Community Development

Herbal Medicine & Natural Products Development

Mined Environment & Industry Waste Management and Rehabilitation

Technology Imitation and Development.


Environmental Research and Management Center had applied for funding for its Journal to number of Organizations including UNDP GEF Small Grants program, however the outcome has been negative, hence this area is a grey area for funding in this country. Despite the negative outcome in 2016 we plan to engaged a biological illustrator to do around 50-100 drawings of herbal medicinal plants to be illustrated in Medicinal Plants of New Guinea. Bulk of the work on the manuscript is already in order and awaiting the drawings. Second important task under this objective or program area is to publish Vol.2 No.1 of the ERMC Journal- ENVIRNMENT PAPUA NEW GUINEA. Total of eight papers have come in and now in the manuscript form.


Under research and consultancy ERMC had begun to network with resource owners, in particular, in provinces where the eight mining projects operate. In 2014 ERMC secured its first consultancy project with the Pogera Land Owner Association for Kina 320,000.00 to do independent assessment of safe drinking water for its members living within the SML.  This project did not commence quickly as expected due to unforeseen technical problems with the NATSL equipment and therefore analytical results for write up were delayed by seven months.The team was able to complete first draft of the report and have it presented to the Porgera land owners in October 2015. After their feedback we are now making final editing to have it bound and present to the land owners before the year ends.

RESEARCH AREAS: Natural and the Built Environments

Multidisciplinary research in environmental sciences are conducted in there areas through the main sister academic schools, and research institutions and centers: