
The specific objective of ERMC is to promote applied integrative team research in natural, technological and social sciences; in particular, the production, processing and marketing of natural bio-products, using locally designed and produced technology.

ERMC is managed by a Director who reports to and takes administrative directives from the Vice Chancellor. However, he/she reports to the Pro−Vice Chancellor (Academic) on academic matters. To ensure operational activities at ERMC is multidisciplinary across PNGUT, the PVC (Academic) automatically becomes the Chairman of the ERMC Board of Directors. The Board draws its membership from all relevant Departments and Centers of PNGUT to provide guidance for ERMC to achieve the objectives of ERMC.

ERMC Board of Directors & ToR

The Members of Board are drawn from Departments such as Forestry, Civil Engineering, Mining Engineering and Applied Science. The ToR are:−

The main role of the Board is merely that of ensuring and supporting the leadership provided by the Director and the programme being presented are in line with the objectives of the ERMC and PNGUT.

The Board does not set Terms and Conditions for the Director to follow as he/she receives directives from the VC and PVC (Academic).

The Board does not get any monetary reward for being involved with ERMC.

ERMC Administration

Assoc. Prof. Patrick S. Michael, PhD

BSc: Agricultural Sciences

MSc: Plant Sciences PhD: Natural Resources Management

Research and awareness:

Assoc. Prof. Patrick S. Michael, PhD

Responsibilities of Director

The main responsibility of the Director is to provide;

  • Leadership and coordination capacity for research in environmental issues.
  • Undertake activities to make ERMC economically self-sufficient and sustainable.
  • Identify the strengths of existing academic departments (Agriculture, Forestry, Civil Engineering, Mining Engineering, Applied Science), the alternative forest utilization programme and NAL in relation to their capacities in conducting research on environmental issues in PNG.
  • Liaison with DEC for research needs in environment and conservation in PNG.

Liaison with Wau Ecology Institute to use its facilities as field stations for;

  • ecological research activities,
  • conservation activities,
  • sustainable agriculture and forestry R & D, and
  • medicinal plant research activities.

The group comprises staff from academic schools in Agriculture, Forestry, Applied Sciences, Applied Physics, Mining, Architecture and Construction Management, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Surveying and Land Studies. The primary role of each group member is to assist in identifying research, developing proposals, and recruiting students to take it up by registering in their schools and working with ERMC using its research facilities. The group is responsible for publicity and awareness of the responsibility of ERMC to stakeholders, government, and the community.

Four scientific officers are responsible for R and D in environmental science, environmental chemistry, terrestrial and aquatic biology, and biodiversity conservation. Their roles are interrelated, and the scientists work together on all aspects of environmental and climatic research.

The ERMC is supported by an administrative officer and a gardener who takes charge of all the administrative responsibilities.