Vision,Mission & Objectives

The ERMC Center was created and built whilst having in mind that, the center will eventually cater for the graduate students with specific interest in applied research and development from various Departments within the Natural Sciences.


That means its research outcome should be to make significant contributions to development aspirations of the nation as well as contributing towards the policy outcome in Environment and Sustainable Development; which essentially means that the center just cannot be another graduate school, which research is purely for academic requirement satisfaction as is the case now.  The center has to be brought to a certain professional ISO international standard to attract outside funding to achieve specific outcome.

Some of ERMC’s broad objectives are to:

Our Vision

To be the leading multi-disciplinary graduate research centre at the PNG University of Technology, PNG and the region

Our Mission Statement

To promote and facilitate multi-disciplinary problem-orientated research of relevance which is published to assist decision-makers and the community making wise decisions in managing resources of PNG and the South Pacific.