By Phyllia Pisep

A family from Wau District of Morobe took it upon themselves to donate electronic appliances to the Papua New Guinea University of Technology’s (PNGUoT’s) Appropriate Technology and Development Institute (ATCDI).

David Masani, who is also a Council Member of the University said, his family has seen the effectiveness of  products that the ATCDI produces, and this will hopefully help the operations.

The Masani family with staff of ATCDI during the presentation.

“It’s a great program under ATCDI that actually operates to help us all. My family and I have donated this to simply help the ATCDI produce more food and downstream processing results from natural food sources.”

“These donations are basically to give and hope to learn to process our naturally grown food into basic need supplies as medicinal herbal supplies,” he added.

ATCDI is one of six research centers that operates under PNGUoT with five key development program areas.

These programs are the Energy Program, Appropriate Technology Program, Water and Sanitation, Food and Downstream Processing, and Liklik Buk Information Center.  The institute serves as a vital bridge between the PNG University of Technology and the wider Papua New Guinea community in development projects.

The donation that was given will go to the Food and Downstream Processing Program with the goal is to support small-scale community-based agro and food industries.

Acting Director, Sona Anegi said, “ATCDI is happy that the Masani family have actually stepped forward in donating as a family. I am happy that people have noticed our development outreach with the support of the University as an operating development institute. ”

He thanked Mr. Masani for donating with his family as it shows how the development projects are impactful to people at all walks of life from the research centers of the university.

Mr. Masani also added that, “we have donated as a family and hope to see more donations in supporting community based developments through ATCDI’s development outreach as they still need support to reach more people with their technological development outputs. I thank the University for having a development arm that deals with local communities to support basic livelihood needs. ”