Unitech Alumni set to raise K20 Million for Uni Hospital

The Unitech Alumni has launched a K20 million funding raising project to build a Level 3 hospital for the University.

This was revealed by Unitech Projects Director, Derrick Kundi at the Unitech Alumni corporate funding raising dinner at the Hilton Hotel, Port Moresby, last week Friday.

The current University clinic is catering for over 60,000 patients annually and increasing at 15 percent annually since 2010.

This project is to update and expand the university clinic to the status of a level 3 hospital which will provide health services to both the University and surrounding communities. This will also ease the congestion at the Angau Memorial Hospital.

The University hospital will also be used as a practical teaching facility for the Lae Unitech School of Nursing and Bio Medical Engineering students of the Applied Physics Department at the University.

The facility will also be used for research into medical biotechnology and Environmental Health by various academic at the university.

The proposed hospital will have these facilities: a pathology lab, office space, consultation, storage, and conference rooms, family planning, utility room, a dental clinic, dispensary, TB treatment rooms including nursing and staff stations.

Meanwhile, as part of the funding raising, the Institute of Engineers PNG had pledged to provide all Engineering and Structural Engineering component of the project cost free of charge, and the Department of Works had also pledged to perform Geotechnical tests and reports for the project. This two pledges itself will save about close to K300,000 as expense for the project