The Papua New Guinea University of Technology and the Certified Practicing Accountants PNG have recently signed a MOU to offer a joint Unitech/CPA PNG Masters in Business Administration (MBA) program.
The signing occurred during the Joint Annual CPA PNG/ CPA Australia Conference on the 23rd of November, 2022, at the Hilton Hotel Conference Centre. This paves the way towards the ongoing Bench Marking and Accreditation process of the Unitech DBS Accounting Program.
Admission to the UNITECH MBA-CPA Program will be granted only to those who are able to benefit fully from an intensive program. Applicants are expected to have reasonable work experience in a position involving considerable authority and decision-making.
Applicants should have the following:
• a good first degree in accounting, commerce or finance or related field from a recognised University or equivalent qualification;
• must successfully completed all modules, through examination, of CPA PNG or any other leading professional accounting body, which is recognised by CPAPNG;
• must be a financial member of CPA PNG at the time of making the application;
• a minimum of five years managerial-level work experience or five years of general work experience acquired after first degree; and
• be fluent in English and be a computer literate.
The Joint Unitech/CPA PNG MBA program will respond strongly to employer demands by providing students with skills that deliver value. Rather than simply providing CPAs with a technical focus, the joint CPA Program will equip students with an understanding of the dynamic issues facing organisations in a global marketplace.